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The Only Vehicle For Prison Abolition!

Bulldozer is a zine for prison abolition. Prisons are tools of oppression. Tools that are used by Governments to discipline the working class and repress political dissent.  


The prison system is also an industry. An industry that commodifies prisoners and generates significant private profits for Capital. The human beings churned up in prisons suffer dehumanising experiences while inside, and stigmatisation when they are released.


Bulldozer speaks back to this industry of oppression, the suffering it creates and the profits it makes. Bulldozer is produced by members of the Industrial Workers of the World’s (IWW) Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee (IWOC) Ireland.  


The IWW Ireland is a union based on grass-roots action and real democracy from the bottom up.


IWOC Ireland are currently involved in a number of campaigns to support individual prisoners as well as fighting for prisoners collective rights to education, health and employment. We are also on hand to connect and support prisoners family members.


Join the IWW for real solidarity!


We welcome people irrespective of their employment status, industry, country of origin, race, gender, or sexuality.


To find out more about the IWW and IWOC or to contribute to Bulldozer write to:


Bulldozer P.O. Box 346 Derry City, BT48 4FZ, Ireland.

Bulldozer is a zine for prison abolition. Prisons are tools of oppression. Tools that are used by Governments to discipline the working class and repress political dissent.  


The prison system is also an industry. An industry that commodifies prisoners and generates significant private profits for Capital. The human beings churned up in prisons suffer dehumanising experiences while inside, and stigmatisation when they are released.


Bulldozer speaks back to this industry of oppression, the suffering it creates and the profits it makes. Bulldozer is produced by members of the Industrial Workers of the World’s (IWW) Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee (IWOC) Ireland.  


The IWW Ireland is a union based on grass-roots action and real democracy from the bottom up.


IWOC Ireland are currently involved in a number of campaigns to support individual prisoners as well as fighting for prisoners collective rights to education, health and employment. We are also on hand to connect and support prisoners family members.


Join the IWW for real solidarity!


We welcome people irrespective of their employment status, industry, country of origin, race, gender, or sexuality.


To find out more about the IWW and IWOC or to contribute to Bulldozer write to:


Bulldozer P.O. Box 346 Derry City, BT48 4FZ, Ireland.

Bulldozer #2

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Welcome to Bulldozer #2IWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:54
Prisons, Crime and Class WarIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:44
The Struggle For Prison AbolitionIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:28
Who is in Prison_IWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:35
The Revolutionary Potential of the Prisoner ClassIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 09:50
Prisons are HarmfulIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:26
Access to Healthcare_ Know your Rights!IWOC Ireland
00:00 / 01:06
CJINI Report into Solitary ConfinementIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 02:09
Prison Expansion in the south of IrelandIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 03:39
IWOC DictionaryIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 02:05

Bulldozer #1

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Bulldozer #1 on Audio To Listen & Share

Welcome to BulldozerEditorial
00:00 / 01:34
Call to End Prison Book BanIWOC Ireland
00:00 / 03:50
Healthcare a Symbol of Care & CompassionDON
00:00 / 03:53
Early morning poem to MaghaberryFL
00:00 / 01:19
Prisoner Solidarity & The Role of PrisonsJohn Bowden
00:00 / 02:08
Prisoners of the Past Anon
00:00 / 00:50
The Prison System & Disability AwarenessIWOC Interview
00:00 / 05:00
Challenging the Damage Category Status can doJP Wooton
00:00 / 02:45
A Step Backwards by JP WoottonBulldozer #1
00:00 / 02:39
What is IWOC?IWOC Ireland
00:00 / 02:33
Who Am IAnon
00:00 / 00:40
Support & Advice

P.O. Box 346, Derry City

BT48 4FZ, Ireland



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