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International Directory

Currently there are organized IWW branches in the following regions. If you do not see a branch listed in your part of the world, there may still be individual IWW members present.


Click on the links to see the branches, delegates, and listed shops in that region:



  • Australia - (for IWW Branches and Contacts in Australia)




The Americas


For a list of Industrial Union Branches, please visit this page.

Individual branches, contacts, and delegates are responsible for maintaining current, up-to-date information, including mailing address, phone numbers, website links, and e-mail contacts.


If you need to update your branch's contact information, or if you do not see your branch listed here, please contact us at iac [at]


If there is no contact listed in your state and/or town, and you would like to organize an IWW branch there, you should first attempt to schedule an organizer training; also, you may wish to organize your own IWW branch.


You may want to see if there other dues-paying IWW members nearby. Contact our General Headquarters for a list of contacts, but be prepared to confirm that you are currently an IWW member first.



IWW Branches and Contacts in Africa

Support & Advice

Tel. 075 10145 888 (North)

Tel. +44 75 10145 888 (South)



Online members area

Members Area

Online members info

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