The Industrial Workers of the World Ireland Branch, today spoke in relation to recent discussions presented by members through a motion concerning the repealing of anti union legislations in Ireland.
A spokesperson for the IWW in a statement said: "The IWW Ireland welcomes recent initiatives by several business unions and political organisations to rescind (or at least amend) the existing anti trade union legislation on the island, in particular the ‘Industrial Relations Act, 1990’ in the Republic as well as the ‘Trade Union and Labour Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1995’ and the ‘Employments Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996’.
"As a radical/ revolutionary union we stand against any restrictions that impede the organization of workers, against these legal and bureaucratic obstacles only introduced to help exploitative employers.
"There is a significant imbalance of power, not only between large corporations and ordinary citizens and workers. We need to reclaim our right to freely organize at the workplace, including the use of collective bargaining and strikes without having to jump through hoops. For the repeal of anti trade union legislation now!"
An injury to one is an injury to all!