Climate Justice and Class Struggle: Scheduled Screening to take place HERE on
Tuesday May 24, 2022 @ 1800 hours GMT
Global May Day is a project for grassroots labour unions and initiatives supporting labour struggles to make our work more visible and support each other across borders.
This year we chose to draw attention to the ecological crisis we all face and tilted a series of events around Climate Justice and Class Struggle.
A crisis brought about by the endless search for profit margins by capitalist interests. A crisis which will see wars raging worldwide, making the poorest of us suffer the earliest and most.
The global ecological crisis is an issue for the working class worldwide and already there are many of us engaged in fighting against its impacts in our local areas.
This coming Tuesday May 24, 2022 we will host and online screening of a number on important environmental struggles currently taking place around the world. It is vital that each of these campaigns be highlighted and supported.
To take part in this online screening event as part of the Global May Day events, please tune in online HERE on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at the following time @ 1800hours GMT
To find out more about Global May Day 2022 reports, you can click on the following link HERE