One of the largest Public Sector strikes in the North of Ireland will take place on Thursday 18th of January 2024.
Over the past number of years, our public sector workers have been fighting for better pay and conditions in our schools, our hospitals and our transport sectors . On the streets and picket lines, demanding what they rightfully deserve. In turn, the trade union movement under the umbrella of NIC-ICTU, have now called for a co-ordinated one-day strike with all Public Sector workers.
This follows on from successive periods of industrial actions were workers demands have been repeatedly ignored by the British Secretary of State and Stormont politicians. All of who, have been receiving their wages despite the fact that this dysfunctional northern parliament hasn’t even being in opened.
For revolutionary syndicalists, we believe strike action must be supported and that workers demands are immediately addressed.
We have witnessed workers demands being continually sidelined, held up or used as pawns in the brinksmanship of British/Irish sectarian politics. This behaviour is unacceptable, while workers are forced “to tighten our belts” during an economic crisis not witnessed on both islands for decades.
In supporting one-day strike action by NIC-ICTU on January 18th, the IWW fully supports the demands of the trade union movement at this time.
A spokesperson for the IWW Ireland branch said “The Industrial Workers of the World extends its solidarity with our Public Sector Workers. We echo the calls by NIC-ICTU and for the demands of workers to be immediately addressed. It is our belief that the demands of workers can only be addressed and won on the streets and on the picket lines. Not by factional party politics, electoral opportunism or their parliaments but through direct action by the workers themselves.
“The all-out, one day strike action by workers on Thursday 18th January must be seen as only the beginning of widespread industrial action. As unionised workers we have the strength and the power to take it further until all our demands are fully met.
“IWW members will be attending co-ordinated rallies on Thursday 18th January throughout the north, and many will also be on strike action. In advance of this historic action, we call upon everyone to help show their support for our schools, hospitals and transport workers. To come out and attend the picket lines and rallies where you live. Make placards and banners to express our solidarity with all our public sector workers at this time.
“Undoubtedly, many workers who are already considering taking on the bosses for better pay and conditions wherever they work, will also be watching on. Maybe they are not even unionised at this time, but will also be watching on at this unprecedented strike action. Knowing that a victory for public sector workers can be a victory for them to also unionise and fight.
“We know that their victory will be a victory for all our class let alone our education, our health and transport sectors. As unionised workers, we have the strength and solidarity to win.”