This Hardship Fund is being organised by the IWW Clydeside branch to support Saramago workers who have been fired during their shift while taking part in union action, fighting for improved working conditions. Workers were demanding an increase in staff to tackle burn-out in their popular and busy workplace. While IWW are donating funds we ask that everyone who can will financially support these workers to cover their loss in wages. All funds collected will be distributed among the fired IWW members in the workplace. The workers united will never be defeated. We stand in solidarity with the workers in Saramago who's union organising has been an inspiration and has seen incredible tangible results over the last year including, wage increases and taxi cover. Clearly the bosses are feeling threatened by a strong and unionised workforce. Across Glasgow we have seen hospitality workers rise up and organise in what has been an historically difficult sector to unionise. Many hospitality marketing teams like to stress a liberal and egalitarian image but we see time and time again how little this is reinforced behind the scenes. Saramago has enjoyed this image since it's foundation. CCA, where Saramago is situated, recently screened films on the importance of trade unionism. But there's nothing trendy or cool about union-busting. We know the people of Glasgow will agree. We are calling on Saramago and their bosses to reinstate the IWW members that were fired. We call upon the CCA to rethink their relationship with a union-busting business. We call on all IWW and other union members to support the upcoming pickets and financially support the workers by donating to this Hardship Fund. Saramago workers are angry and determined to reinstate their fellow workers and union members.
Donate here to keep the fight going, until we win!
Solidarity. IWW Clydeside Branch