Health and Social Care workers protest at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry this afternoon as respective unions mobilise ahead of balloting members across the different Trusts for above inflation pay rise for workers.
An Industrial Workers of the World member and health care worker spoke following today's action in Derry stating that "This action is one of a number of protest actions at Trust locations across the North. Discussion at workplace level has been one of pay as well as protection of our public services. It isn't a secret that workers are finding it more challenging to make ends meet each month.
"Food banks and fuel poverty is seen as the norm these days but this is actually far from normal. It's wrong in this or any society where you have careers, public service workers struggling to survive. It's wrong that our public services are being rundown in such away that waiting lists are continuing to grow and of course the use of the private sector to fill those gaps, who are profiting greatly from it.

"Over the coming weeks workers are being asked to vote in relation to industrial action in the fight for much needed pay increases. All of the unions are now balloting their members. "The view from speaking to the majority of health and care workers on the ground is one of anger, we deserve better than this. Workers demand better, we demand an immediate pay rise, above inflation and we would encourage members to vote yes in favour of industrial action. It can't go on like this."
Over the next several months, further actions are being planned by a numbers of unions and workers are encouraged to attend.