Firstly I like to wish everyone a happy New Year and thank all those who sent me cards and letters over Christmas.
As I move forward into the New Year and with it a new decade, the possibility of getting a resolution to our case inches closer.
Having spent the whole of the previous decade (and more) a captive of the state, it has been a challenge to stay resolute in the face of such overwhelming odds.
However the love and solidarity shown by my family and friends and many others around the world has given me the strength to continue to resist the villainy of the so called British justice system.
This coming year it is expected that the Criminal Cases Review Commission will deliver its report and hopefully send us back to the Court of Appeal, where release from this injustice can be achieved. I am under no illusions however the court will not go out of its way to rule in our favour the state would be content to allow this injustice to continue indefinitely.
Our situation will only be put right if we renew our efforts over the coming months, if we continue to raise awareness and ensure the courts know that people are watching and will except nothing but the end of this miscarriage of justice.
I ask once again for you all to join with me and my family championing our cause and demanding justice.
Help make 2020 the year of our freedom!
John Paul Wootton The Craigavon Two Maghaberry Gaol