Several hundred activists took part in day of action against the militarization of Shannon Airport this afternoon. This is the first major solidarity action organised by anti-war and Irish Palestine Solidarity Committees throughout the country. The national demonstration followed on from regular anti militarism and Irish neutrality actions.
One activist who attended today's action at Shannon said, "The turn-out today has been amazing, and we've met with activists from as far as Newry, Belfast, and Derry. It's a great achievement as it shows the importance of not allowing our country to be used to assist imperialism and its killing machines operating in Palestine and now in Lebanon.
"It is vital that unions play an active part in opposing the arms trade and ensuring the workers' movement plays its part also in defence of Ireland's neutrality. We all have a part to play, especially at this time. Whether that's in the growing Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the BDS movement, or events such as today's action here at Shannon Airport.
"All of us, in the workplace, in our communities or at home, must actively reject militarism in all its guises. Upholding the Irish principle of neutrality is another important step in the rejection of the genocide unfolding in Palestine. Every worker has a role to play, and I'm so happy to see so many here today. This action has to be the beginning of something much more. Let's keep taking to the streets, to the picket lines, and speaking about Gaza!"